Join us for this interesting and informative talk on Intimate partner violence and its relation to possible brain injures that go untreated or unrecognized sometimes forever.
The head, neck, and face are the most common sites of injury in IPV incidences, so it’s not surprising that many survivors of intimate partner violence also suffer the consequences of a brain injury. Despite the seriousness of the long term damage, very little awareness surrounds these brain injuries and many first responders, health care practitioners, and family members mistake brain injury symptoms for other sources such as substance use or emotional distress brought on by the abuse. Very often, survivors themselves are unaware that they have sustained a brain injury.
Join us for a discussion about intimate partner violence related injuries and learn about mitigating strategies to reduce brain injury symptoms and local resources.
Christina Hennelly is the Intimate Partner Violence Facilitator at the
Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington, as well as being an Adapted Yoga and Neurorehabilitation Therapist. She is also
a Psychotherapist who specializes in trauma-informed counselling and supports for survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault.